Language guidelines


Kommazwerg takes reformed German spelling as its standard – i.e., the latest editions of Duden Band 1 and Duden Band 9. Where more than one spelling is possible, Kommazwerg follows Duden’s recommendations, unless otherwise agreed upon. Kommazwerg’s use of end-of-line word division and punctuation conforms to Was Duden empfiehlt and Walter Heuer’s reference work Richtiges Deutsch.


The standard reference works in French include Petit Larousse, Guide du Typographe and Les Difficultés du Françaisd’aujourd’hui.


The standard reference works in French include:
«Il Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana Treccani», «Il Grande Dizionario Italiano Garzanti», «Il Vocabolario della Lingua Italiana Zanichelli» and the recommendations of the Accademia della Crusca.